Growth and Photosynthetic Response of Pot-in-pot-grown Conifers to Substrate and Controlled-release Fertilizer


  • Wendy S. Klooster
  • Bert M. Cregg
  • Thomas Fernandez
  • Pascal Nzokou

Container production of landscape conifers, including pot-in-pot (PIP) production, is increasing relative to field production in the northern United States. Because much of the research on PIP has been performed in the southern United States, this study focused on characterizing the growth and physiological response of PIP-grown conifers to fertilizer and substrate to improve production for growers in northern climates. In May 2006, we potted 90 seedlings each of Abies fraseri, Picea glauca var. densata, P. pungens glauca, and Pinus strobus into 11.2-L containers. Substrate consisted of pine bark (B) and peatmoss (PM) in ratios of 90:10, 80:20 or 70:30 (vB:vPM). Trees were topdressed with controlled-release fertilizer (15N–4P–10K) at rates of 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 g of nitrogen per liter of container (g L). After 2 years, growth response to substrate varied by species; however, all species grew as well or better in the 80:20 mix than in the other mixes. In response to fertilizer addition, adding 0.5 or 1 g N/L increased height growth compared with 0.25 g. Increasing the fertilizer rate from 0.5 g N/L to 1 g did not increase height growth. Foliar nitrogen increased with each fertilizer addition although height growth did not increase beyond 0.5 g L, indicating possible luxury consumption. Furthermore, net photosynthesis rates of spruce trees declined with fertilization in the second year of the study, possibly as a result of increased water stress due to greater total leaf area per tree. Chlorophyll fluorescence was not consistently correlated with foliar nutrition. From a practical standpoint, results of the study indicate that 0.5 g N/L will provide adequate nutrition for these crops. A substrate mix of 80% bark:20% peatmoss produced maximal or near-maximal growth for all four species tested. Traditionally, landscape conifers have been field-grown and sold balled and burlapped (B&B). Soil loss resulting from harvesting field-grown trees can be nearly 100 tons per acre for a 5-year rotation and harvest can only take place in the spring and fall (Pollock and Mathers, 2002). If diseases such as phytophthora, especially common in firs, become established in soils, they can result in extensive mortality and in some cases have caused nurseries to be abandoned (Kuhlman et al., 1989). Moreover, consumer preference of container material has been steadily increasing (Halcomb and Fare, 1995). Container production has been increasing relative to B&B and now accounts for nearly 30% of the coniferous evergreen sales in the upper Midwest (NASS, 2007). Pot-in-pot (PIP) production is an increasingly popular component of the overall container production trend. Because PIP plants are grown in containers, they are lightweight, easy to harvest, and root systems are not disturbed by digging and transplanting (Ruter, 1997). However, unlike aboveground container (AGC) production, the PIP containers are placed into socket pots, which are sunk in the ground providing stability and protection of the root zone from extreme air temperatures. In ornamental nurseries in the southern United States, PIP production results in moderated root zone temperatures, especially during the hot summer months, and improves growth compared with fieldor AGC-produced plants (Roberts, 1993; Ruter 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999). The system has also been adopted as a method of providing winter protection in northern climates (Neal, 2004). Pot-in-pot production is also suitable for developing niche markets such as living Christmas trees. Living Christmas trees appeal to consumers who would otherwise choose artificial trees as a result of environmental concerns (Genovese, 2007). Other consumers desire a second or third Christmas tree for their home (Behe et al., 2005). Some growers have found that Christmas trees as large as 6 feet tall can be grown in 37.9-L pots using a lightweight substrate and still be manageable for a consumer to take into their home (Genovese, 2007). Small, dense trees such as Black Hills spruce [Picea glauca (Meonch) Voss var. densta Bailey] or Serbian spruce [P. omorika (Panèiæ) Purkyne] grown in a 1-gallon (3.7-L) container could be placed on a tabletop and decorated and are desirable options for a small apartment or as an additional tree (Behe et al., 2005). Living Christmas trees produced in a PIP system and displayed indoors for up to 20 d during the holiday season perform better in the landscape after transplanting compared with field-dug trees (Nzokou et al., 2007). Landscape conifer growers converting from field production to PIP face several key challenges. Among these are selection of appropriate container substrate and nutrition management. Growing conditions in PIP systems are not the same as either field or AGC production. Lightweight organic substrate is used rather than field soil and root zone temperatures are more stable than in AGC plants (Young and Bachman, 1996). Selection of an appropriate container substrate is critical because container substrates can impact plant nutrient and water relations. In many commercial growing operations, fertilization regimes are often based on visual ratings (Parent et al., 2005), which can miss symptoms of ‘‘hidden hunger’’ or ‘‘luxury consumption’’ (Landis and van Steenis, 2004). Suboptimal nutrition can result in impaired physiological function, particularly as reduced photosynthetic rates that can reduce growth (Gough et al., 2004; Samuelson, 2000). Applying fertilizer in excess of a tree’s physiological needs, in contrast, can result in leaching of nitrate and other nutrients resulting in environmental degradation (Juntunen et al., 2002, 2003). Moreover, nursery producers are increasingly interested in optimizing nutrient additions as a result of recent volatility in the price of nitrogen-based fertilizers. The overall goal of this project was to develop fertilizer and substrate recommendations to optimize growth of containerized conifers, reduce potential environmental impacts, and reduce costs for growers using the PIP production system. Specific objectives were to: 1) determine the growth and physiological response of conifers to increasing fertilizer levels; 2) determine the effect of substrate on growth and physiology of PIPgrown conifers; and 3) determine the relationships among plant nutrition, physiological responses, and growth. 36 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 45(1) JANUARY 2010 Materials and Methods Site description This experiment was conducted at the Michigan State University (MSU) Horticulture Teaching and Research Center, Lansing, MI. The soil was a loamy sand (83.1% sand, 8.7% silt, 9.3% clay), which provided adequate drainage of the containers in the PIP system. To install socket pots for the PIP system, holes were made with a 40-cm diameter auger spaced 1 m on-center. We then placed landscape cloth over the entire plot, secured it with standard landscape staples, cut an ‘‘x’’ in the cloth above each hole, and placed the socket pots (GL1200; Nursery Supplies, Inc., Chambersburg, PA) so the rims were 2.5 cm above the surface of the ground. The mean daily temperature during the growing season (June through September) was 25 C for 2006 and 26 C for 2007; total precipitation during that time was 318 mm in 2006 and 295 mm in 2007 (MAWN, 2007). Average air temperature during the winter months (Dec. 2006 through Mar. 2007) was –1 C with a minimum of –22 C (MAWN, 2007). Plant material In May 2006, 90 seedlings (2 + 2 or plug + 2) each of Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir., Picea glauca var. densata, P. pungens Engelm. var. glauca Regel, and Pinus strobus L. (Table 1) were potted in 11.2-L (#3) containers (EG1200; Nursery Supplies, Inc.). Container substrates Seedlings were potted in one of three substrate mixes selected to provide a range of physical properties. Substrate consisted of composted pine bark (B) and Canadian peatmoss (PM) in ratios (vB:vPM) of 70%:30%, 80%:20%, or 90%:10% (Renewed Earth, Kalamazoo, MI). Thirty trees of each species were potted in each substrate mix. Fertilizer treatment Controlled-release fertilizer (Osmocote Plus 15-9-12, 8–9-month Northern release rate; The Scotts Co., Marysville, OH) was top-dressed in the spring of 2006 and 2007. Each tree received one of three rates: low (0.25 g N/L), medium (0.5 g N/L), or high (1 g N/L). The medium and high rates were chosen based on the manufacturer’s recommended rates and to bracket a common standard used in the commercial nursery industry of 0.75 g N/L. The low rate was selected to determine if an acceptable crop of these species could be grown with reduced fertilizer inputs. Experimental design The experimental design was a split plot in a randomized complete bloc design with species as the main plot effect and factorial combinations of fertilizer · substrate as the subplot. Trees were arranged in the PIP system to allow for blocking in time of physiological measurements (described subsequently). There were 10 blocks, each consisting of four rows, one for each species; each row had nine trees, one for each of the fertilizer · substrate combinations. Irrigation Irrigation was initially applied using overhead sprinklers to promote establishment after transplanting. In mid-June 2006, microsprinkler spray stakes (TS-90; Chapin Watermatics Inc., Water Town, NY) were installed, one per pot, and set to apply 0.35 L min. Trees were then irrigated twice per day using an automated valve (8014 DuraLife; L.R. Nelson Corp., Peoria, IL) at 0700 HR and 1730 HR, for 5 min each cycle, totaling 3.5 L of water applied daily per tree. Trees were irrigated from early May to mid-November in both 2006 and 2007. Total alkalinity of the irrigation water was 6.4 mEq L CaCO3. Nitrate-N, pH, and electrical conductivity in leachate The pourthough extraction procedure (Altland, 2006; Bilderback, 2001; Wright, 1986) was used to collect leachate from a subsample of two species, A. fraseri and P. strobus, with fertilizer · substrate combinations of 0.25 g N/L · 70:30 (B:PM), 0.25 g · 90:10, 0.5 g · 80:20, 1.0 g · 70:30, and 1.0 g · 90:10. This sampling scheme permitted sampling in a reasonable time, allowed examination of a range of conditions and allowed for valid statistical testing of substrate · fertilizer interactions. Samples were collected about every 2 weeks from June to Aug. 2007. Equal volumes of water were applied to each tree and allowed to drain; leachate was collected into 20-mL vials and stored in a cooler at 2.5 C. Electrical conductivity (EC; ExStik II EC500; Omni Controls Inc., Tampa, FL) and pH (Accumet basic AB15 m; Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA) were measured in the laboratory within 1 week after collection. Nitrate-N analysis was then conducted by the MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory using flow injection with cadmium reduction (Huffman and Barbarick, 1981). Growth We measured height and caliper of all trees at the beginning and end of the 2006 and 2007 growing seasons. Height was measured from the rim of the pot to the tip of the leader (most vertical central shoot); caliper was measured in an east–west orientation level with the rim of the pot. Terminal growth of P. strobus was measured every 2 weeks until growth stopped, usually in mid-July. Terminal shoots of P. strobus were pruned to 25 to 30 cm (in proportion to the overall height of the tree) according to standard nursery practice. Height growth for P. strobus was determined as leader length before pruning. Picea spp. and A. fraseri were not pruned except to maintain a single terminal leader. Height growth of all other species and caliper growth were calculated by subtracting the initial measurements from the final measurements. Gas exchange Picea spp. and Abies fraseri. We measured photosynthetic gas exchange on A. fraseri, P. glauca var. densata, and P. pungens glauca with a portable photosynthesis system (LI6400; LI-COR, Inc., Lincoln, NE) in July and Aug. 2006 and May, June, July, and Sept. 2007. On each date, measurements were taken between 0900 HR and 1700 HR; however, data collection typically spanned multiple days. A 0.25-L conifer chamber attachment (LI-640005; LI-COR, Inc.) was used to enclose a single shoot of the current season’s growth on each tree. Light saturated photosynthesis (Amax) and shoot conductance to water vapor (gwv) were measured on shoots exposed to full sunlight on days with photosynthetic photon flux density greater than 1200 mmol m s. To reduce variation resulting from temperature, leaf chamber temperature was maintained at the predicted high temperature for each day of measurement. Air flow through the chamber was 500 mL min with the reference CO2 maintained at 400 mmol CO2/mol. Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) was maintained at 3 kPa. Shoots were tagged so subsequent measurements were taken on the same shoot throughout each year. We collected the tagged shoots at the end of each growing season and scanned them with a leaf area meter (LI3000; LI-COR, Inc.) to determine projected shoot area. Intrinsic water use efficiency was Table 1. Means (± SE) of initial caliper and height, taken 18 May 2006, for four conifer species grown in a pot-in-pot production system under three fertilizer rates and three substrate combinations. Species Caliper (mm) Ht (cm) Abies fraseri 9.43 (± 0.18) 30.90 (± 0.68) Picea glauca var. densata 8.83 (± 0.18) 23.97 (± 0.52) Picea pungens glauca 9.57 (± 0.21) 27.20 (± 0.64) Pinus strobus 9.74 (± 0.27) 36.99 (± 1.11) Received for publication 27 July 2009. Accepted for publication 27 Oct. 2009. This research was supported by the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Project GREEEN, Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, Michigan Christmas Tree Association, Michigan Forestry and Parks Association, and Michigan Department of Agriculture. We thank Peterson’s Riverview Nursery, Fairplains Nursery, Renewed Earth Inc., Nursery Supplies Inc., and Scotts Inc. for product donations. We acknowledge Anna Arend, Jennifer Hunnell, Darren Gladstone, and Sara Tanis for their assistance with field data collection. Graduate Research Assistant. Current address: Ohio State University, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH 44691. Associate Professor. Assistant Professor. To whom reprint requests should be addressed; e-mail [email protected]. HORTSCIENCE VOL. 45(1) JANUARY 2010 37 calculated by dividing Amax by gwv for each measurement. Pinus strobus. We measured gas exchange of P. strobus using the same system described previously; however, Because the shoots would not fit in the conifer chamber, a 3 · 2-cm leaf chamber with a red/blue lightemitting diode light source (LI-6400-02B; LI-COR, Inc.) with quantum flux maintained at 1500 mmol m s was used to enclose a portion of the needles. Light-saturated photosynthesis (Amax) and needle conductance to water vapor (gwv) were measured on needles of P. strobus in July and Aug. 2006 and May, June, July, and Sept. 2007. We placed two fascicles of needles from the current season (a total of 10 needles) lengthwise in the chamber, making sure the needles did not overlap. Air flow, chamber temperature, and VPD were maintained as described previously. Needle surface area was determined for P. strobus needles using a dissecting microscope to measure the radius on a subsample of needles. Total surface area of each needle was calculated by assuming each needle represented one-fifth of a cylinder (Johnson, 1984). Chlorophyll fluorescence A portable chlorophyll fluorescence meter (Plant Efficiency Analyzer; Hansatech Instruments Ltd., Norfolk, U.K.) was used to measure the ratio of variable fluorescence to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) for individual needles from each tree. The needles were dark-acclimated for a minimum of 15 min before readings were taken. Dates of measurement of Fv/Fm coincided with measurements of Amax. Foliar analysis We collected approximately five shoots (for single-needle conifers) or 20 fascicles (for pines) from each tree on 15 Aug. 2006 and again on 12 Oct. 2007 for foliar nutrient analyses. To facilitate sampling and analyses, foliar samples were combined across substrate type. The shoots and fascicles were placed in paper bags and oven-dried at 60 C for 1 week. After drying, needles were ground in a coffee grinder until they passed through a 40-mesh (0.42 mm) sieve. The prepared samples were analyzed for foliar nutrients at a commercial laboratory (Waters Agricultural Laboratories, Inc., Camilla, GA). In 2006, samples from three of the 10 blocks were analyzed for full foliar nutrient concentration and the remaining blocks were analyzed only for nitrogen concentration. All samples collected in 2007 were analyzed for full foliar nutrient concentration. Tree needle weight Total shoot or needle weights were determined for a subsample of trees at the end of the 2007 growing season. One block of trees was selected, and each tree was destructively harvested. For the single-needle conifers, shoots were separated by year; 2007 growth was removed first by pruning all shoots beyond the 2006 terminal bud scar and placing them in a paper bag. Next, 2006 growth was removed (as determined by the 2005 terminal bud scar) and placed in a second paper bag. Finally, the remaining shoots were removed and placed in a third paper bag. For P. strobus, needles were removed from the shoots and also separated by year using the same method as for the single needle conifers. Shoots and needles were oven-dried at 60 C for 1 week and then weighed. We then performed a regression analysis between the shoot or needle weights and stem volume index (caliper · height) to estimate total shoot or needle weights for every tree. As a result of a significant species effect, separate regression equations were developed for each species. Statistical analysis All variables were tested for normality using PROC UNIVARIATE and Levene’s test. Height and caliper growth were normalized using a square root transformation. A log transformation was used to normalize stem volume growth; NO3 and EC in leachate; P. strobus Amax and transpiration data; and transpiration and conductance for the single-needle conifers. Chlorophyll fluorescence was normalized by squaring the data. PROC MIXED (SAS Inc., Cary, NC) was used to determine Type 3 analyses of variance (ANOVAs) for species, treatment, date, and interaction effects. Effects for gas exchange, nitrate-N, pH, EC, and Fv/Fm data were analyzed using repeated measures within PROC MIXED. Correlations between Fv/Fm and foliar nutrient concentrations were determined using PROC CORR.

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